Shuttleworth: Name
Shuttleworth: Family tree
According to "House of Names", the surname Shuttleworth was first recorded in an ecclesiastical parish of the same name. It was part of the district of Bury, which is situated in the north-west region of England.
The name is likely to refer to either making or using "shuttles" as a trade. This key component of weaving was known in Old English as a "scytel"...
...and "Shuttleworth" is combines "scyttels" with "worth".
Languages evolve and by the Middle English period shuttles were known as "schetylles" and "schutylles".
Alternative spellings of the hamlet included "Suttelsworth" (in 1227) and "Shuttelesworthe" (in 1296).
Today, the hamlet of Shuttleworth is part of - and on the northern edge of - Greater Manchester.
(ref: Shuttleworth Name Meaning,)

The first we knew about our family tree, beyond a couple of generations, was when we contacted out of the blue by Peggy Shuttleworth in the early 1980's.
Peggy had recently retired and decided to trace the family name and tree. She found us in the telephone directory!
Sharing the same family name, she wondered if we would like to fill in any details that we knew. We did - and she added it to her research. All this before any online tools. The internet as we know it today had yet to be invented.
As far as we could see we weren't related. Then, some time and a lot of research later, our trees came together. Peggy discovered that we shared a common ancestor. In 1665 our forefathers were 2 of 3 triplets born to William Shuttleworth. Rarely for that time, all three survived.
And more recently, thanks to Gail for uploading the tree from the paper copy to the online version you see here.
If there are any other families that connect - or related branches of Shuttleworth through the ages - out there that we can link to - let us know.